Trying the Same Thing and Hoping for a Different Result? Stop the Insanity
Sometimes, you can be too close to a maintenance problem — getting caught up in an endless cycle of servicing, repairing, and rebuilding the same piece of equipment. It can happen over and over again until an outsider with a broader perspective sees a different and...
Take a Peek Inside Macomb’s Corporate Headquarters
When you think about warehouses, do you imagine that scene at the end of the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” — endless rows of anonymous boxes that seem to go on forever? At The Macomb Group’s Sterling Heights corporate headquarters , our warehouse does make up a...
Rolling Across Two States with Military Precision
When Macomb sales rep Roger Neal learned about the expansion of a major manufacturing facility, requiring vast quantities of piping and other materials, he knew it was a job the company could handle — even though it was a huge logistical challenge across two state...
Chuck’s Quick Tip: Boost Steam System Efficiency with the Right Air Venting…
Sometimes, the most powerful forces are the ones we can’t see. Take air, for example. Colorless and completely invisible, it exerts constant pressure on everything it touches. It can be as gentle as a spring breeze or as mighty as a hurricane. In addition, air is...
Oil Industry Pipeline Inventory On Tap
Pipe is pipe is pipe, right? Oh, so wrong! Every industry has different requirements, different application challenges, and different compliance rules to adhere to. But they have at least one thing in common: the critical need for direct, ready access to the pipe,...
Is It a “One-Stop Shop” OR a Specialty Shop?
When you need a specialized part, material, or service, you go to a provider who has expertise in that area so you can be sure you’ll get exactly what you need. Then, you look for a specialist for the next part of your job. What if one supplier could provide the...
Curb Chaos When You Know Who To Count On
Even when you’ve planned every step of a project, something can still go wrong. Just think about the insurance company commercials that star “Mayhem.” Those spots are entertaining — until you face a real emergency. Chaos and disruption are part of life. We can try to...
How to Get the Right Actuator the First Time
Are you looking to purchase a new actuated valve? The Macomb Group instrumentation division is here to help. We’ll take the time to learn about your specific application, then recommend best, most cost-effective solution. The experts at Macomb can adapt a new actuator...
‘Family’ Culture Makes Macomb Feel Like Home
The PVF industry is one place where you can make a lifelong career — everyone needs these products, and there is always a demand for reliable suppliers. But a PVF company still requires the right people and the right leadership to be successful. That’s why we’re...
Ohio Pipe & Supply Joins The Macomb Group!
Announcement of Acquisition The Macomb Group is pleased to announce that as of January 6, 2015 we have acquired the assets of Ohio Pipe & Supply. The Macomb Group is equally excited to welcome the Ohio Pipe & Supply employees to our team! The purchase was...