Even when you’ve planned every step of a project, something can still go wrong. Just think about the insurance company commercials that star “Mayhem.” Those spots are entertaining — until you face a real emergency. Chaos and disruption are part of life. We can try to...
How to Get the Right Actuator the First Time
Are you looking to purchase a new actuated valve? The Macomb Group instrumentation division is here to help. We’ll take the time to learn about your specific application, then recommend best, most cost-effective solution. The experts at Macomb can adapt a new actuator...
‘Family’ Culture Makes Macomb Feel Like Home
The PVF industry is one place where you can make a lifelong career — everyone needs these products, and there is always a demand for reliable suppliers. But a PVF company still requires the right people and the right leadership to be successful. That’s why we’re...
Ohio Pipe & Supply Joins The Macomb Group!
Announcement of Acquisition The Macomb Group is pleased to announce that as of January 6, 2015 we have acquired the assets of Ohio Pipe & Supply. The Macomb Group is equally excited to welcome the Ohio Pipe & Supply employees to our team! The purchase was...
Our People, Our Prospects — Your Success
As I ponder the outlook for 2015, and how we can continue to build the Macomb success story, I’m reminded of a quote from John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address: “In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.”...
Is Your Contractor Ready for Your Biggest Jobs?
The Marathon Petroleum Detroit Heavy Oil Upgrade Project (DHOUP) was a major project for the past two years. It employed thousands of contractors and brought the promise of a new facet to the oil refining industry in Detroit. During the expansion, Marathon was also...
Who Will Solve Your Worst-Case Scenario?
In late fall of 2014, a major petrochemical customer in Midland, Michigan called Macomb in to look at an emergency situation on a 34¿ O.D. low pressure steam main (25 PSIG). Something catastrophic had happened — the kind of thing you hope you never have to deal with....
Check Out Our Stand-Out Gauge Certification Service
Gauge certification is one of those things that isn’t just “nice to have” — it’s a requirement for being compliant in some industries. That’s why The Macomb Group’s Livonia branch offers gauge certification with a timely turnaround by their in-house expert. Jim...
Bigger Spaces Mean Even Better Service
You may have noticed that over the past several years, The Macomb Group has been growing. Sometimes that growth has taken the form of adding or acquiring new locations, but in other cases, it has meant expanding on what we already have. That has been the case in our...
No Need to Shut Down Your Pipe System for This Repair
It’s critical to ensure your piping systems are sealed, safe, and performing well. The drawback, of course, is that there’s never a good time to shut down your system to make a repair or new connection. Fortunately, the engineers at Viega have taken a lot of the pain...