Chuck’s Quick Tip: Get to Know Us Better

Chuck wants you to get to know us better! Visit The Macomb Group’s updated website,, to explore our company story, products, capabilities, initiatives, and services. Need to find a specific type of product? Our complete set of line cards can be...

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Are you looking for a valve?

What Type of Valves does the Macomb Group Carry and for what applications? The Macomb Group supplies valves to all types of industries throughout the country. Our large inventory represents virtually all major manufacturers with valves for a wide range of applications...

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How to Get Out of a Sticky Situation

Major power supplier DTE Energy is a company that takes its clean-energy commitment seriously. As part of its $600 million DTE Energy Monroe Scrubber Project, a clean coal initiative, DTE Energy is installing two flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, or “scrubbers.”...

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Does Your Hose Fit Your Application?

With thousands of hoses in varying materials, plus hundreds of thousands of connections, finding the perfect hose for your application can be overwhelming. The Macomb Group understands that every hose order is a custom job, so the Hose Division is dedicated to helping...

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Get Your “Impossible” Problem Solved!

Kentucky Utilities' Krebs Cyclone unit before and after the addition of the innovative PVC shroud, developed by The Macomb Group. - See more at: Workers must lift the covers out...

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