When you’re a contractor, many things keep you awake at night — but the biggest worries often center on budget and labor-hours overruns. Your ability to stick to your projected labor cost can make or break your job. The last thing you want is workers standing around a...
Chuck’s Quick Tip: Don’t Let Emergency Leaks Stop You
It’s 2 a.m. and your customer needs a leak stopped. Now But of course, the leak is in a working system, and there’s no way you can shut down to make the repair. Impossible? Not if you’ve got Monster power. We at The Macomb Group love simple solutions, and Blue Monster...
Why You Need Experts to Solve the Parts Puzzle
Retrofitting actuated valves and assemblies can be daunting. They could be everywhere in your plant, and the cost of replacing them can be high when you count not only the parts, but also downtime and labor. Did you know Macomb’s Instrumentation Division can take some...
Delivering Solutions — Without Being Asked!
How many vendors in your industry not only provide solutions in response to requests, but actually offer them without being asked? That's the scenario a major Michigan steel mill encountered after The Macomb Group's valve assembly engineer Kirk Humphrey noticed a...
I-96 Construction in Livonia
Construction on I-96 between I-275 and Telegraph Rd. began on April 5 th and will last through October 2014. The I-96 service drives will also be reduced to one lane in each direction for the duration of the construction. During this time, customers travelling to...
Chuck’s Quick Tip: Here Are the Brackets That Will Really Help You Deal with…
Chuck's Quick Tip: Here Are the Brackets That Will Really Help You Deal with March Madness Having trouble with your March Madness Brackets? Well maybe you need to look at the clamps, hangers, and brackets from B-Line. B-Line offers an array of components that...
Protect Your Pipes the Right Way: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All
The variety we see in pipe, duct, and equipment systems is incredible. From fire suppression systems in your local school to chemical and petroleum systems to systems in municipal incinerators to food service freezer systems, the applications and environments are...
Need a Custom Automated Valve Assembly? “MacGyver” Is Here!
For a steel plant, a shutdown can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per day. But that was the threat engineers at a Detroit plant faced when they had to replace aging valve actuators located right in the middle of their production process. That’s when Jim...
To Russia from Toledo
Negotiating multiple international boundaries, measurement scales, quality standards and tariff regulations can quickly turn what might otherwise be a straightforward job into a tangled web of challenges. But with the experts at The Macomb Group, you still get a...
Clarksville Is Moving To A New Location
The Macomb Group is pleased to announce the move of our Clarksville, TN branch to a new location. Effective 03/03/2014 the new address is: MG – Clarksville 1821 Mercantile Drive Clarksville, TN 37040 Phone (931) 551-7130 Fax (931) 551-7131