I-96 Construction in Livonia

Construction on I-96 between I-275 and Telegraph Rd. began on April 5 th and will last through October 2014.    The I-96 service drives will also be reduced to one lane in each direction for the duration of the construction.  During this time, customers travelling to...

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To Russia from Toledo

Negotiating multiple international boundaries, measurement scales, quality standards and tariff regulations can quickly turn what might otherwise be a straightforward job into a tangled web of challenges. But with the experts at The Macomb Group, you still get a...

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Clarksville Is Moving To A New Location

The Macomb Group is pleased to announce the move of our Clarksville, TN branch to a new location. Effective 03/03/2014 the new address is: MG – Clarksville 1821 Mercantile Drive Clarksville, TN 37040 Phone (931) 551-7130 Fax    (931) 551-7131

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