Tags: Dick Dixon, Who’s Who Series

Throughout our 47 years, The Macomb Group has acquired and cultivated some of the best talent in the PVF industry. The Who’s Who Series aims to shine the spotlight on these icons whose years of expertise and experience have proven to be invaluable in our growth as a company and whose legacy will help the future of this company.

The Who’s Who Series begins with Dick Dixon. While he’s always worked in the PVF industry, Dixon began his professional relationship with The Macomb Group as a business partner while being President of Dixon Supply in 1994. Six years later, The Macomb Group acquired Dixon Supply, and his team including Dick’s son, Steve Dixon (Quotations Manager) and they are still a big part of the company to this day. Dixon still continues to work in inside sales at our Livonia branch and has generously offered up some insight to the longevity of his career and the PVF industry itself.

Q: How did you get into the PVF industry? How many years have you been in the industry?

A: My first job out of high school in 1961 was in the PVF Industry.  I started as a piping detailer at Taylor Engineering, which was subsequently purchased by Gage Company.

Q: Was there a mentor or someone who helped show you the ropes when you started out? What’s the best piece of advice they gave you?

A: Mr. Don Satterlund, who brought me on board at Satterlund Supply in 1968.  For many of my 24 years at Satterlund, I had the privilege of working under his guidance. The most valuable counsel he imparted to me was the importance of safeguarding both the company’s integrity and my own.

Q: Sometimes we learn the most when things go wrong. Do you have an example of that in your career?

A: In the course of one’s career, it’s inevitable to encounter a multitude of challenges every day.  Embracing mistakes as part of the learning process is essential, yet it’s critical to avoid repeating them.  From my experience, I’ve learned that the most effective strategy for dealing with setbacks is to address and rectify them promptly.

Q: What advice would you give newcomers entering the PVF industry?

A: The most valuable guidance I can offer to those embarking on a career in the PVF industry is to maintain a posture of continuous learning, regardless of your initial position. Strive to be a versatile and indispensable resource for the company.

Q: What would you say has changed the most since starting in the industry?

A: The landscape of the PVF industry has undergone a remarkable transformation since I began my journey in 1961. The advent of the internet stands out as the most profound change.  It has revolutionized the way we operate, introducing both the necessity to master new software and the imperative to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity – challenges that were once unfathomable when I started.

Q: What do you think has made you most successful in your position?

A: I attribute my success in my role to a steadfast commitment to customer service.  Being accessible to our clients around the clock, ready to fulfill their needs, has been a cornerstone of my professional ethos.

Q: What has kept you in the industry for so long?

A: My enduring tenure in the PVF industry can be attributed to a dynamic career progression that has seen me transition from working for others to ascending the corporate ladder to eventually the partnership with Macomb.  Above all, the exhilarating sense of achievement that comes with securing a Purchase Order (PO) on a quote I’ve crafted is unparalleled.

Q: What is different about The Macomb Group? What makes them the best choice for the customer?

A; What sets our company apart and positions us as the premier choice for customers is our enduring legacy, continuous expansion and vast array of inventory. Also, it’s the dedication and expertise of our team that truly distinguishes us and drives our success.

Q: What is one of your favorite customer success stories?

A: One of my most cherished customer success stories unfolded during an extensive two-day power outage.  Despite the challenging circumstances, we managed to fulfill our customers’ needs through emergency deliveries, ensuring their operations could persist uninterrupted.

Q: What would you tell the younger version of yourself when you were starting out based on what you have learned over the years?

A: Reflecting on the changes that have shaped the PVF industry since my early days, I recognize that my drive to succeed in business and support my family was paramount. If I could advise my younger self, I would emphasize the importance of establishing a harmonious balance between professional ambitions and personal life.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

A; Outside of work, my passion lies in the tranquility of farm life, which I’ve been enjoying since the fall of 2018.  The simple pleasures of tending to the yard and hunting are activities that I thoroughly enjoy.

Q: Is it true you are known as an “Icon” in the PVF industry?

A: Since my inception into the PVF industry in 1961, I’ve observed its remarkable growth and the steadfastness of its central figures. The honor of being recognized as an icon by some is a testament to the enduring relationships and contributions I’ve made within this business. My goal is to continue to provide exceptional service to our team and customers.

About The Macomb Group:
The Macomb Group is a leading wholesale distributor of pipe, valves and fittings. Founded in 1977, the company now has 29 service branches and over 650 employees in 10 states including Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Wisconsin. The Macomb Group serves a diverse mix of end markets, including automotive, food and beverage, general manufacturing, hospitals, schools, power plants, and general industry.

For more information, please call (888) 756-4110 or visit us at www.macombgroup.com.