Tags: Training

Product and brand awareness along with enhanced customer service were the takeaways from a product information seminar recently conducted by The Macomb Group’s Valve Automation Division. The training was held at the Midland, Michigan Valve Assembly Site, one of five valve assembly locations.
The day-long session provided an opportunity for new Macomb Group employees, as well as those hired over the past year, to become acquainted with the division’s lead products and their various applications.
According to Valve Automation Division Manager Scott Henegar, the training is important for members of his Macomb Group team that represent the division’s products to customers.
“It’s best described as valve automation 101,” Henegar says. “We conducted the training in three parts. First, an overview of valve automation basics and applications, followed by some hands-on practice in our assembly shop and test bench. The final part was a product-by-product review of our major brands, based on sales volume.”
Henegar notes that product training such as this ultimately benefits customers.
“Our customers come to us looking for solutions,” he says. “Having our team members become better acquainted with our major products and brands helps them to make thoughtful recommendations.”
Seminar attendees and branch locations represented included Parker Scott from Lansing, Jeremy Jess from Flint, and Blake Richardson and Matt Larosa from Grand Rapids. Thomas Schmidt, Jr. and Fred Kolacki from the Midland Valve Automation Site served as the trainers.
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The Valve Automation Division welcomes three new members to its team. Michael Boyd, an experienced automation and controls salesperson is based at the Cincinnati Branch. Joe Martin, a veteran field technician, provides customer support and serves as an assembly technician at the Akron Branch. In Midland, Jacob Coffey, a Michigan State University Mechanical Engineering major, is the division’s newest intern.