Tags: Punchout

Is your business ready to use punchout with The Macomb Group? Let’s find out.

Punchout puts The Macomb Group’s online store (www.macombgroup.com) inside your electronic procurement system. It allows your buyers to access and shop online without leaving their internal systems. Thus, punchout makes the purchasing process easier for you and provides the kind of controls many businesses are looking for.

Here’s a simple graphic showing how the punchout process works:

We’ve put together an informational page at whttps://www.macombgroup.com/punchoutww.macombgroup.com/punchout that explains our capabilities and how punchout can benefit your business.

If you have any questions, please contact your Macomb Group sales representative or email [email protected].

Call the professionals at The Macomb Group at 586-274-4100 for expert assistance. Check out the many other solutions we offer via The Macomb Group eCommerce site!